Getting Started
Frent is on Nuget!
Frent is still in beta.
You will need to enable prerelease to see the package in many UIs.
dotnet add package Frent --version
Note: Unity requires a different package
Creating a World
Start by importing Frent
and Frent.Components
(for component interfaces).
using Frent;
using Frent.Components;
To create a world, simply use its constructor
World world = new World();
A world is a collection of entities, and entities are made of components. Components can be almost any datatype, although its recommended to use structs.
Consider a player entity with the following components.
graph TD
Entity --> Position["Position"]
Entity --> Velocity["Velocity"]
Entity --> Controller["Player Controller"]
Entity --> Health["Health"]
Entity --> Sprite["Sprite"]
Here, the Velocity
component might interact with the Position
component, and the PlayerController
component might interact with the Velocity
component when the W key is pressed.
Here is an example Position
component - it just needs to specify enough data for a location.
struct Position(int x, int y)
public int X = x;
public int Y = y;
Here is an example Velocity
component. By implementing the IComponent<Position>
interface, we tell Frent that this Velocity
struct is a component which interacts with its entity's Position
and so needs it as an argument in its update method.
struct Velocity(int dx, int dy) : IComponent<Position>
public int DX = dx;
public int DY = dy;
public void Update(ref Position pos)
pos.X += DX;
pos.Y += DY;
Let's make one last component to draw things to the console.
struct Character(char c) : IComponent<Position>
public char Char = c;
public void Update(ref Position pos)
Console.SetCursorPosition(pos.X, pos.Y);
To use these components, we must create an entity with them using the world.
Entity entity = world.Create<Position, Velocity, Character>(new(4, 6), new(2, 0), new('@'));
//simulate 20 frames
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
Position finalPos = entity.Get<Position>();
Console.WriteLine($"Position: X: {finalPos.X} Y: {finalPos.Y}");
And that's it! You've got the basics of Frent. For more information about entities, systems, uniforms, and filtering world updates, check out the cookbook!
Full Code Sample
using System;
using System.Threading;
using Frent;
using Frent.Components;
World world = new World();
Entity entity = world.Create<Position, Velocity, Character>(new(4, 6), new(2, 0), new('@'));
//simulate 20 frames
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
Position finalPos = entity.Get<Position>();
Console.WriteLine($"Position: X: {finalPos.X} Y: {finalPos.Y}");
struct Position(int x, int y)
public int X = x;
public int Y = y;
struct Velocity(int dx, int dy) : IComponent<Position>
public int DX = dx;
public int DY = dy;
public void Update(ref Position pos)
pos.X += DX;
pos.Y += DY;
struct Character(char c) : IComponent<Position>
public char Char = c;
public void Update(ref Position pos)
Console.SetCursorPosition(pos.X, pos.Y);