Table of Contents

Getting Started

Frent is on Nuget!


Frent is still in beta.


You will need to enable prerelease to see the package in many UIs.

dotnet add package Frent --version

Note: Unity requires a different package

Creating a World

Start by importing Frent and Frent.Components (for component interfaces).

using Frent;
using Frent.Components;

To create a world, simply use its constructor

World world = new World(); 

A world is a collection of entities, and entities are made of components. Components can be almost any datatype, although its recommended to use structs.

Consider a player entity with the following components.

graph TD
    Entity --> Position["Position"]
    Entity --> Velocity["Velocity"]
    Entity --> Controller["Player Controller"]
    Entity --> Health["Health"]
    Entity --> Sprite["Sprite"]

Here, the Velocity component might interact with the Position component, and the PlayerController component might interact with the Velocity component when the W key is pressed.

Here is an example Position component - it just needs to specify enough data for a location.

struct Position(int x, int y)
    public int X = x;
    public int Y = y;

Here is an example Velocity component. By implementing the IComponent<Position> interface, we tell Frent that this Velocity struct is a component which interacts with its entity's Position and so needs it as an argument in its update method.

struct Velocity(int dx, int dy) : IComponent<Position>
    public int DX = dx;
    public int DY = dy;
    public void Update(ref Position pos)
        pos.X += DX;
        pos.Y += DY;

Let's make one last component to draw things to the console.

struct Character(char c) : IComponent<Position>
    public char Char = c;
    public void Update(ref Position pos)
        Console.SetCursorPosition(pos.X, pos.Y);

To use these components, we must create an entity with them using the world.

Entity entity = world.Create<Position, Velocity, Character>(new(4, 6), new(2, 0), new('@'));

//simulate 20 frames
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)

Position finalPos = entity.Get<Position>();
Console.WriteLine($"Position: X: {finalPos.X} Y: {finalPos.Y}");

And that's it! You've got the basics of Frent. For more information about entities, systems, uniforms, and filtering world updates, check out the cookbook!

Full Code Sample

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Frent;
using Frent.Components;

World world = new World();

Entity entity = world.Create<Position, Velocity, Character>(new(4, 6), new(2, 0), new('@'));

//simulate 20 frames
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)

Position finalPos = entity.Get<Position>();
Console.WriteLine($"Position: X: {finalPos.X} Y: {finalPos.Y}");

struct Position(int x, int y)
    public int X = x;
    public int Y = y;

struct Velocity(int dx, int dy) : IComponent<Position>
    public int DX = dx;
    public int DY = dy;
    public void Update(ref Position pos)
        pos.X += DX;
        pos.Y += DY;

struct Character(char c) : IComponent<Position>
    public char Char = c;
    public void Update(ref Position pos)
        Console.SetCursorPosition(pos.X, pos.Y);